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The best four running First Aid kids for every type of running and jogging event

St johns Ambulance carrying out first aid at a running event

Looking for a running First Aid Kit, we have your back! We all know that running is an exhilarating way to stay fit and healthy. However, as much as we love the wind in our hair and the rhythm of our feet hitting the pavement, accidents can happen. That’s why it’s essential to have a trusty first aid kit at the ready. To help you out, we’ve scoured the UK market and compiled a list of the top 4 running first aid kits that are not only practical but also fun and friendly!

My First Aid Badge of Honour
If there’s one thing I’ve got in spades, it’s street (or should I say, sports field?) credibility in first aid for sports. I’m not just blowing my own trumpet here; I’m a certified sports first aider for a medley of activities, including the exhilarating world of running and jogging.

Bandages, Braces, and Barr

Over the years, I’ve donned my first aid cap for countless sports enthusiasts, offering top-notch advice and hands-on support. From sprained ankles on the football pitch to grazed knees on the running track, I’ve seen it all and fixed it all. My years in the field (literally) have made me the go-to guru for sports first aid.

First Aid Kit Collector Extraordinaire

My love for sports and safety doesn’t stop at administering first aid. I’ve splashed out on hundreds of first aid kits and snazzy equipment for sports clubs spanning rugby, football, and, of course, running. If there’s a plaster or bandage out there, chances are I’ve used it, tested it, and given it my seal of approval.

Battle Scars and Triathlon Tales

Now, for a bit of a humblebrag: I’ve had my fair share of tumbles and trips, especially during my ambitious training for an Olympic-length triathlon. These personal battle scars have not only added to my street cred but have also deepened my understanding and empathy when patching up fellow sports lovers. After all, they say experience is the best teacher, right?

We have tried to look for bigger First Aid packs for those maybe attending a sport event such as a trial run, fell run, or ultra marathon. We have then gone right through to smaller first aid kits that an individual can carry around more easily, say at an IronMan.

Reliance Medical Pursuit Pro Stadium First Aid Kit – £62.37 Amazon

When you need a buddy to rely on in case of injuries, look no further than the Reliance Medical Pursuit Pro Stadium First Aid Kit. This all-in-one kit is specifically designed for sports enthusiasts and comes in a robust, waterproof nylon bag. You can count on it to survive anything you throw at it (or vice versa).

This First Aid kit is one of the bigger ones and is probably suited to the person running your local Park Run, rather than being something an individual would try and run round with!

This kit is like a treasure chest with over 92 pieces that include bandages, dressings, plasters, wound closures, and even a foil blanket for emergencies. It’s also equipped with scissors, tweezers, and a digital thermometer to cover all your running mishap bases.

Your new running buddy is here to save the day!

The Reliance Medical Pursuit Pro Stadium Sports First Aid Kit

Guardsy Mini First Aid Kit – £6.64 Amazon

Size matters, especially when you’re looking for something portable and lightweight! The Guardsy Mini First Aid Kit is the David to your running Goliath. This little powerhouse comes in a water-resistant case and easily fits into most running packs or waist belts.

Despite its small stature, the Guardsy kit packs a punch with 31 essential items, including adhesive bandages, sterile gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, and safety pins. Trail runners, rejoice! It also includes a mini flashlight, emergency blanket, and a digital first aid download link. Who says size matters?

Guardsy Mini First Aid Kit for Fell Running, trail running and normal running and jogging.

115 piece Family First Aid Kit£26.99 Amazon

Are you a runner on a budget? No problem! The Family First Aid Kit has got you covered. This running bag friendly option offers 115 essential items without compromising on quality. It features adhesive plasters, blister plasters, alcohol pads, and cleansing wipes to help you tackle common running injuries like a pro.

The compact and lightweight design of this minimalist kit makes it perfect for runners who prefer an easy-to-carry, no-fuss solution for their first aid needs. Affordable, practical, and ready to roll – the Family First Aid Kit has your back!

Mini First Aid Kit for runners and joggers

Lifesystems Light and Dry Nano First Aid Kit – £15.99 Amazon

For those who like to make a statement, the Lifesystems Light and Dry Nano First Aid Kit offers style and substance. Housed in a sleek, water-resistant puch, this kit is not only functional but also a highly visible accessory for your running adventures.

The Lifesystems Light and Dry Nano First Aid Kit weighs 95 grams and is curated specifically for runners, including bandages, wound dressings, and blister pads. It is aimed at every type of running from fell, trail and everyday jogging so it is the perfect First Aid kit.

The lifesystem nano first aid kit for running, trail running, fell running.
Andy Barr
the authorAndy Barr
Editorial Lead
Andy was late arriving into the world of fitness, running and training. He did not really take up regular gym going until he was in his late 30's. He lost over 7 stone in weight since starting and completed an olympic length triathlon in June 2018. He enjoys playing football, boxing and outdoor running.

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