
ASICS launches #RunToFeel challenge as new-found love for running continues

ASICS launches #RunToFeel challengeASICS launches #RunToFeel challenge

I’m a big fan of ASICS, I have a super comfy pair of running trains (bright pink, of course) from them. So when I got an email from them recently about how the new-found love for running has continued, even though lockdown restrictions have eased, I knew I had to share it with you.

Many of us have turned to running or various other forms of physical activity to help us during lockdown. For some of us, that’s been to keep in some sort of physical shape while the gyms have shut. For many others, it’s been a huge help in combatting the mental health affects we’ve felt being stuck indoors for such a long time.

One of our writers, Fran, challenged herself to the Couch to 5k and wrote about what it’s like for a running newbie.

So, what did Asics discover?

They surveyed more than 14,000 of people – just like you and I – from all over the world. 12 countries to be exact.

The most important thing to note in their study is that the world has fallen in love with running.

The key findings were:

  • More than a third (36%) of regular exercisers are more active now than they were before lockdown
  • 79% of runners globally say running is currently helping them feel saner and more in control
  • 73% of runners globally want to keep running as much as they are now after this pandemic ends
  • 81% of runners globally say that running helps them clear their mind

More than ever, we’re running to connect our body and mind.

And, for those of us who have ever ran once or do so on the regular, we know these findings to be true. How? We’ve felt the benefits.

What’s more, we know that Runkeeper saw a 252% increase in April in the number of registrations to the app, as well as a 44% increase in the number of active monthly users.

ASICS – #RunToFeel

After finding this out, that our new-found love for running is continuing and shows no sign of slowing, ASICS have launched the #RunToFeel challenge.

On Runkeeper, you can find the #RunToFeel Challenge (live May 31st to June 30th).

The challenge is to track four 5k walks, jogs or runs this month.

It’s that simple.

Or it’s not if you’re a running newbie. But I promise you it’ll be worth it.

Sam Walker
the authorSam Walker
Sam is a regular gym goer who loves a strong spin or step class. Her main fitness goal is to tone up and be a healthier / fitter version of herself.

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