BeginnerTriathlon TrainingVideos

Trying a first swim and going back to 10k runs – Triathlon training video diary – week 2

Andy updates us on his training for his first olympic length triathlon

Andy from checks in for his second video diary around his olympic length triathlon training. This week he goes through how he found his first attempts at swimming. He also went back to running 10k having tried his first park run last week.

He talks through his current training plan and goals and also speaks about his fears of not being able to finish the triathlon when race day comes.

Andy is trying to keep a weekly video diary of his attempts to compete his first triathlon having never completed one before. He is raising money for Clic Sargent who have helped his friends daughter fight her battle against Leukaemia. You can sponsor Andy by clicking here and visiting his Just Giving page. 

Andy Barr
the authorAndy Barr
Editorial Lead
Andy was late arriving into the world of fitness, running and training. He did not really take up regular gym going until he was in his late 30's. He lost over 7 stone in weight since starting and completed an olympic length triathlon in June 2018. He enjoys playing football, boxing and outdoor running.

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