Great Gorilla Run

The-Great-Gorilla-RunThe Great Gorilla Run
23rd September 2018 all-day
0207 993 6664

Race type: 8km

Where: Throughout the City of London, starting by the river (exact location tbc)

When: Sunday 23rd September at 10.30am

Prices: £60 (includes a gorilla suit)

How to book:

Headline charities: The Gorilla Organisation

Associated hashtags/social media:

Twitter: @Gorillas_org

Facebook: The Gorilla Organisation

About the Great Gorilla Run:

This run is like no other and the main reason for this is you run in a Gorilla costume! This September will be the 16th annual run set up by The Gorilla Organisation in order to raise money to save a species which is on the verge of extinction. There are currently just over 1000 gorillas left in the world and your money will help increase this number. The aim is raise at least £200 and once you have registered you can start raising money straight away, the earlier the better. The race is in partnership with Kings College Students Union in London.

Everyone who completes the race will be given a medal and of course the gorilla outfit which you get to keep. There are also awards for the best dressed gorilla, the biggest team, the highest fundraiser and the furthest travelled gorilla.

More information:


Sam Walker
the authorSam Walker
Sam is a regular gym goer who loves a strong spin or step class. Her main fitness goal is to tone up and be a healthier / fitter version of herself.

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