
‘Petcercise’ is the newest trend in fitness according to recent research by Argos

Does your pet motivate you? We look at how our furry friends can encourage us to stay healthy.

Running with her four-legged friend.Running with her four-legged friend.

We recently tried to help you come to the decision of whether running with a partner is a good idea or not. Contemplated whether the whining, nagging and wailing were really worthwhile. It turns out Argos may have given us the solution and a completely new meaning to the phrase downward dog.

Recent research conducted by Argos shows 65% of the population are now choosing ‘man’s best friend’ as their number one workout buddies. They have highlighted a growing trend in the UK Fitness industry, Petcercise. The abstract birth child of  Puppy Yoga and Zuu, that you can enjoy at home or in classes.

Argos is already known for its own fitness product, Opti, but has moved into a shaggier business venture.

Pet-cercise, exercising with your pets.
Petcercise, exercising with your pets.

Today is the launch of its newest initiative the House of Fitness where people can go to work out with their pets. Classes include strength, HIIT and Circuit sessions lead by leading fitness influencers including  Carly Rowena and Bradley Simmonds.

We share a lot with our pets whether that’s time out in the fresh air or the dinner on our plates. So why not exercise with them too? I’d be interested if I could pull my pooch out of bed.

What is Petcercise?

Petcercise is a growing niche in the fitness industry encouraging people to work out with their pets. Petcercise is open to anyone despite their interests. From running with your dog to HIIT workouts, people can get involved in whatever they want.

Why do Petcercise?

Over half say that pets offer them much-needed motivation and 46 percent rely on their furry friends for moral support, being far less intimidating than their fellow humans. Petcercising at-home is the name of the game, with 46% opting to stay put to ensure their pet is there for moral support.

Pet-cercise, exercising with your pets at the ultimate 'him from home' gym,
Petcercise, exercising with your pets. Your new from home’ gym,

The normal whiffs and pongs of the gym are enough to put many people off. 33% of us are put off by the dubious smells, the imposing mirrors and harsh lighting of gyms. Argos’ classes use scientifically proven scents that drive productivity, such as jasmine, peppermint and cinnamon, and are keeping well away from body length, contorting mirrors and harsh lighting in studios.

Petcercise gives people a chance to improve their bodies and general health in a comfortable environment with their special companions. The animals provide a support net. Share the blinding spotlight of attention that people can sometimes feel when exercising in a class.

Where can we sign up to Petcercise?

Petcercise groups are beginning to sprout up all over the UK many of which you can find online. The Argos House of Fitness will offer a variety of classes, from HIIT to Strength. It will be open to the public from 12:00 today and all-day Saturday 24 March located at  Southampton Row, London.







Joe Tucker
the authorJoe Tucker
Joe is an aspiring fitness journalist looking to get his foot in the industry at A fair-weather runner and sparring sissy who occasionally enjoys rolling down hills ... on two wheels that is. Any story ideas? Feel free to DM him with any ideas.

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